Το δέλτα


The moment we started “delta (δ) – politiki epanastasi”, we knew that a lot of people would be concerned by the trans-partisan and trans-ideological nature of the movement. How is it possible, in a country where the parties and their obsolete ideologies continue to afflict its society, for something to exist that ignores and circumvents them? How is it possible for δ, as a purely political organization, to deny signs and really want to unify citizens without classifying them in partisan and ideological camps?

However, it did happen, and almost a year later we are still here, standing firm as ever before. δ does not need the divisive terms such as right, left, liberalism, socialism, etc. to define concepts, which specifically to young people are as outdated as mammoths and bow hunting! Nonetheless, it is not a political party, but an active political movement with 10 progressive ideas of common sense, aimed at changing the entire political system of Greece, filling the vacuum of democracy and finding definitive solutions to citizens’ problems. For this reason, we have no official positions on individual issues, and we look at the big picture, the political system, which ultimately shapes the policies in the country and this is the real problem for Greece. This is evidenced by the perpetuation of our problems, even now, that we have really tried every political party available. Now is the time of δ and of δemocracy.

The 10 ideas of common sense, our political manifesto, and all that we advocate as volunteers and as humans, highlight δ’s ideology. For one to support our political revolution, all that is needed is to love this country and democracy. Nothing more but nothing less. The whole venture is for the sake of Greece and for defending and supporting democracy. It is obvious that the love for the country is not only found in right-wing ideologies, but at the same time the love for democracy and the right of the citizen to participate is not supported solely by left-wing ideologies. δ is beyond colors, parties and historical prejudices.

δ’s institutional edifice is based on the 10 ideas and the great and democratic ideals from which they are inspired: independence of the judiciary, equality before the law, meritocracy, transparency, accountability of politicians, independence of local authorities and decentralization, consultation by the citizens, and above all democracy. So simple but so important. These concepts are not just words used by politicians in canvassing manner before they get rid of them once they are elected, but rather a well-structured and revolutionary democratic ideology.

The independence of judiciary guarantees a fair and peaceful society. Justice is capable of blocking laws that serve only the system and the few, and which are against the interests of the citizens; it prohibits irrational and unconstitutional legislation. She punishes and puts an end to impunity and to the real corruption – the politicians. It protects and safeguards the human and civil rights. Independence of the judiciary is a fundamental prerequisite for the separation of powers – the benchmark of democracy.

Equality before the law creates and guarantees the rule of law. Without this everything is unfair and unjust, and so the state is not entitled to legislate and make decisions. How to justify taxing and asking for sacrifices from second- and third-class citizens in the eyes of unjust law. In an unequal society where few people stand beyond the reach of law by acting uncontrolled, the state does not have the moral right to demand the slightest of the citizens. Immunities, privileges, favorable treatment of the law, etc., are those that bring amoral nepotism, cronyism, favoritism, and ultimately mismanagement and problems. And all of these have no place in a democracy, on the contrary, they undermine it and slowly destroy it.

Meritocracy in politics has the power to transform a whole society. First, meritocracy means choosing and elevating not the political crooks and the ones close to the political leadership, but the capable and skilled. In other words, it means recognizing and rewarding effort and capability, and making use of these values for the shared interest. At the same time, meritocracy means an end to fragmentation – that scourge of our era. Meritocracy ignores partisan identities and connections while promoting experience and success. Since the state is a miniature of society, the prevalence of meritocracy at the state level can bring meritocratic practices across the country. With the application of meritocracy, there is no room for “clientele services” and corruption to flourish, while at the same time it raises our standard of living and, in general, of the country as a whole.

Transparency means the citizen knows what is happening in her/his country and knows the facts. Transparency leaves no room for lies, slander, mockery and the exploitation of society. The majority of the hidden agreements of our times, aim to serve the interests of the few and work against the country and the citizens. Transparency is a precondition for well-being and prosperity as it forces policy makers to make the right decisions as their acts are communicated to their constituents and they are judged by them.

Political accountability is the opposite of political impunity. It is the implementation of institutions for mandatory accountability of politicians for their actions. Being accountable and informing citizens – those whom they represent and from whom they are elected and preserved from; for the citizens to know what the politicians do and if their actions are done well. Accountability adds legitimacy to political leadership while at the same time leads to good practices and good governance as it exposed the state and holds the government accountable to the people.

At the same time, consulting with citizens for decision-making on major political issues forbids politicians to decide for us, without us and against us. The consultation goes beyond both the “party line” and the “conscience vote”, and presents the only democratic practice in which the representatives consult with those who represent and express fully the will of the citizens. In this way, for important issues the views of citizens are heard clearly in the centers of power. Consultation, beyond participation, is at the same time a control of policies and the system in general at a very clear frequency instead of the “one-off” every four years in the elections. The idea of consultation includes, of course, ongoing control of political promises as well as the renewal of the political mandate of political representatives.

The independence of Local Authorities is not limited to their liberation from centralization and bureaucracy, but it is mainly about the end of the extreme regional fragmentation and its control by unskilled party leaders. Political decentralization enables mayors and regional governors who genuinely want to offer, to do so without fighting against the political parties or spur any random minister in order to deliver projects that are self-evident in their region. This concept is mandatory to unleash the regional creative forces and their dynamic. It is inconceivable that everything is centrally decided followed by a micromanagement of the entire country by Athens. It is no coincidence that democracy was based on municipalities (demos) and their function. The healthy functioning of the municipalities is one that can form a strong state and not the other way round.

Justice, equality, meritocracy, transparency, accountability, consultation and independence of municipalities. Not platitudinous concepts that are said just to be proverbed, but practices that we have never tried, and that we courageously support them against each of their adversaries. It is also about the foundations of a new ideology. Of δemocracy. It is a political revolution in which the citizen simply does not legitimize the system’s choices by voting in the elections but actually participates and decides. A human-centered revolution with the citizen at the center.

None of the above concepts are found in our country as tragic as it may sound. No political party and no ideology supports them. It is only natural, at their very nature forbids them to do so. The main spokesperson for these high ideals in Greece is δ and the people who make it up. This is our ideology.

Take part in our political revolution to liberate the country: www.todelta.gr

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